Monday, September 6, 2010

10 easy things to motivate you

Ever feel like not doing homework/school work? I am pretty sure we all have. Here's some ways to get motivated about it.

1. Think about the life you personally want
2. Think about the Family you will have some day
3. Find the thing that your passionate about and how much you want to do it and go for it.
4. College students if you dread the homework for the classes in the major your taking look at a new major. It will not make you happy in the future.
5. Look at what you can't afford, but seriously want.
6. High school students: college is expensive do well your best so you don't have to pay for it.
7. Seriously think about how much more you will make with a degree then with nothing. Even the stars go to high school and college so they can make more and do what they love.
8. Remember your dreams that you want to come true and don't stop dreaming
9. Don't think that going to college or school is stupid. Its important and if u have that attitude you will hate it. Go into school work with a positive attitude.
10. Lastly, think of after it's all said and done. Its the end of the road what do you want people to remember you for.

If you're behind in school, flunked out of college, have the feeling that the standardize testing is scary and college is the same way, and etc. I know how you feel I was that person. Just since I have had a more motivated and positive outlook on school it has helped a ton. I was on the presidents list at my college with a 4.0 last semester. I never in my life thought I could make a 4.0gpa esp in college. A quick mind set change can make the biggest difference. Just give it a try. Always try it twice. Also make sure you do it for yourself and not just others. Others will always be in the mix. Just when you do it for yourself the reward at the end is so much better.

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